5 Helpful Aluminium Machining Tips

Blog | October 16th, 2018

Aluminium is a widely used material for a variety of different industries. From aerospace engineering to computers and electronics, working with aluminium is absolutely integral to getting the job done. With that being said, it isn’t easy for anyone to pick up their aluminium and start machining without any preparation. Even with plenty of information in your back pocket on the topic of machining aluminium, there is still more to learn. Today, we are going to highlight five key tips that can help you during the aluminium machining process.

5 Tips for Successful Aluminium Machining

We’re not going to waste too much time talking about the process of machining. The odds are good that if you are here, you know what machining is and how to do it at least to a productive degree. Still, we’ll quickly cover the basics. Machining aluminium is a lot like working with any other material. You will be using specific machine tools during the fabrication process in order to render the output that you desire. With that being said, machining aluminium can be done in a more effective way if you follow our following tips. Let’s dig right into the advice that we have for you.

1) Secure Your Stock – One of the most important pieces of advice that we can give you during the machining process of aluminium is to simply secure it properly before you begin. Whatever you are machining, make sure that your vice is tightened securely.

2) Consider Your Tool Coating – The coating that you use on your tool will decide how effectively your machining process goes. Depending on the industry that you are machining for, you have a variety of tool coatings to pick from: TiN, TiCN, Chrome Nitrides, Diamond, Zirconium Nitrides and so on.

3) Select the Right Speeds – If you are machining your aluminium at home and without the reference of a professional, you need to cover your bases. One of the first bases that you should cover is the speed of your feed based on the specific tool that you are using. Open your user manual and make sure that your settings are locked in.

4) Verify Your Tool Models – Before you make your first cut, double-check the file that you uploaded into your software. With the wrong file uploaded, you are destined to get the wrong cut which will waste both your time and your money.

5) Pay Attention to Your Coolant – If you want to perform machining in the future, you have to take care of your equipment now. Keep up to date on your coolant level and quality so that your endmill stays in working shape.

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