Mild Steel and Stainless Steel Welding: Everything You Need To Know

Blog | April 12th, 2023

Steel is a substance that is vital, categorised, and necessary to the progress of the industrial world. Many different types and steel grades are available worldwide, ranging from carbon steel to stainless steel. Mild steel is one of several options. Mild Steel is created by alloying iron with carbon.

Chemical Composition & Physical Characteristics

Mild steel is a kind of low-carbon steel. It has a carbon content of 0.05% to 0.25% by weight. It is not alloy steel since it lacks chromium, molybdenum, or another alloying ingredient. Its chemical makeup distinguishes it from alloy steels. Mild steel is machinable, ductile, and weldable. It is easily cut, machined, and moulded into various industrial forms. Heat treatment does not affect the strength of mild steels. It is more prone to corrosion because of the lack of alloying components.

How Mild Steel Is Produced

Mild steel is made by combining iron ore and coal with lime and melting them together in a blast furnace. The result is molten iron. Impurities are present in molten iron, which is required for extermination. Basic Oxygen Steel (BOS) and Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) are the two most prevalent alternative processes for removing impurities. This is known as Primary Steel Making. The Secondary Steelmaking process then begins, in which changes are made to produce the chemical composition of mild steel. The steel is then cast to harden into the required forms. Hot rolling or cold drawing forms mild steel slabs into various items.

The Distinction Between Stainless Steel And Mild Steel

Steel is a fantastic phrase that encompasses a wide range of metal items. The uses of stainless steel and mild steel can be easily defined.

Alloying Component

This is the primary feature used to determine the factor. Stainless steel is alloyed with chromium, nickel, and molybdenum, whereas mild steel is alloyed with carbon. This fundamental composition is responsible for the differences in corrosion resistance, weldability, cost, applications, etc.


Chromium is an alloying element in stainless steel that combines with oxygen in the environment to generate chromium oxide, a protective coating. This layer offers excellent corrosion resistance. Mild Steel, on the other hand, lacks chromium. Mild steel’s iron component interacts with moisture in the air to generate iron oxide, essentially rust. Stainless steel has high corrosion resistance, but mild steel does not and requires additional coating to avoid rust. Stainless steel is tougher than mild steel.

Hardness & Ductility

Because stainless steel includes chromium and nickel, it has a higher hardness than mild steel. The capacity to deform with cracking is referred to as ductility. Mild steel has less carbon and is more ductile than stainless steel.

Weldability & Magnetisation

Mild steel is easier to weld than stainless steel and exhibits persistent magnetism as the iron concentration increases. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is not distinguished by the existence of a magnetic field.

Fabrication & Aesthetics

Mild steel is easily cut or bent, but stainless steel requires technology and expertise. Stainless steel is shinier and more visually appealing than mild steel.

Maintenance, Cleaning & Applications

Stainless steel needs less upkeep than mild steel. Mild steel is widely utilised in building and vehicle manufacturing. Stainless steel is frequently used in commercial food processing equipment, chemical storage and manufacture, surgical equipment, maritime use, and other applications due to its corrosion resistance.

Life Expectancy

Stainless steel has a longer lifespan than mild steel since it corrodes readily if not properly maintained.

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